Tom Talks Microsoft Teams and Microsoft 365 news and opinions

Get Microsoft Teams Version, Ring and Install Date with PowerShell

You can see the Microsoft teams version in the application in About/Version


Or in add remove programs


If you want to grab it quickly, or from a lot of machines, you can also grab it from the EXE with PowerShell

# Get Microsoft Teams Version with PowerShell

$TeamsExe = Get-Item (“${Env:LOCALAPPDATA}” + “\Microsoft\Teams\current\Teams.exe”)

$LogFile = $env:APPDATA + “\Microsoft\Teams\logs.txt”

$InstallTimeFile = $env:APPDATA + “\Microsoft\Teams\installTime.txt”

$TeamsVersion = [System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo]::GetVersionInfo($TeamsExe)

$InstallDate = Get-Content $InstallTimeFile

$ringInfo = Get-Content $LogFile | Where-Object { $_.Contains(“ring=”) }

$d = $($ringInfo[-1]) -split “ring”

$UpdateCheckDate = $($ringInfo[-1]) -split “<”


Write-Host “”
If ($d[2] -ne $null)
write-host “Ring: $($d[2].Replace(“_”,”.”))”
write-host “Ring is GA”
Write-Host “”
Write-host “Install Date: $($InstallDate)”
Write-Host “”
Write-Host “Last Update Check: $($UpdateCheckDate[0])”


About the author

Tom Arbuthnot

A Microsoft MVP and Microsoft Certified Master, Tom Arbuthnot is Founder and Principal at Empowering.Cloud as well as a Solutions Director at Pure IP.

Tom stays up to date with industry developments and shares news and his opinions on his, UC Today Microsoft Teams Podcast and email list. He is a regular speaker at events around the world.

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Tom Talks Microsoft Teams and Microsoft 365 news and opinions