Tom Talks Microsoft Teams and Microsoft 365 news and opinions


Microsoft launch first party Teams certified Surface headsets, Speakerphone and Webcam

For a long time, it’s been a point of conversation that while Microsoft has a large range of vendors who provide Teams certified headsets, their own headsets from the Surface team were not certified for Teams. Today Microsoft announced 3 Surface headsets, all certified for Microsoft Teams. Also a webcam and speakerphone. It will be interesting to see how the ecosystem partners feel about...

Is Microsoft making a Surface branded Microsoft Teams Speakerphone?

Update 16th September: Ilya Bukshteyn has commented that there are no plans for a Microsoft Teams speaker at the moment on the LinkedIn thread Microsoft are a software company, but they are also a hardware company. That can make things interesting. Microsoft has apparently been prototyping portable speakerphone that looks to be aimed at meeting scenarios.  A new patent recently made public and...

Tom Talks Microsoft Teams and Microsoft 365 news and opinions