Tom Talks Microsoft Teams and Microsoft 365 news and opinions

6 Power BI Reports for Microsoft Teams Call Quality Dashboard (CQD)

Call Quality Dashboard (CQD) is an online reporting tool that provides insight into the quality of calls made using Microsoft Teams. It is available at

Its functionality has come on leaps and bounds since the initial release, recently adding Near Real-Time (sessions appear in CQD in under 30 minutes), Personally Identifiable Information for 30 days (users full IP address, MAC address, BSSID, user IDs) and may more reports.

It has a number of built-in reports and detailed reports you can customise and more recently added some Power BI embedded reports (embedded meaning they use Power BI to render but within the CQD app).

You can find more about CQD in the official documentation here.

Now Microsoft has released 6 Power BI reports you can load into and connect to CQD to directly populate data. Note the reports directly query CQD as you use them, so may take some time to load.

Microsoft has provided some specific Power BI report templates to download here.

The reports are:

CQD Summary Power BI Report

Better visualizations, improved presentation, increased information density, and rolling dates. These reports make it easier to identifier outliers. Drill into call quality by location with an easy-to-use interactive map.





CQD Helpdesk Power BI Report

Integrating building and EUII data, this report is designed to let you drill up from a single user to find the upstream root cause of poor call quality for that user (for example, the user is in a building that’s experiencing network problems).







CQD Location Enhanced Power BI Report

Re-imagining CQD SPD location reports. Includes 9 reports, providing Call Quality, Building WiFi, Reliability, and Rate My Call (RMC) information with additional drill-throughs by Building or by User.



CQD Mobile Device Power BI Report

Provides insights specifically tuned towards mobile device users, including Call Quality, Reliability, and Rate My Call. View mobile network, WiFi network, and mobile operating system reports (Android, iOS).



CQD PSTN Direct Routing Power BI Report

Provides insights specific for PSTN calls that go through Direct Routing.




CQD User Feedback (Rate My Call) Power BI Report

Shows Rate My Call data in a way that you can easily use to help support calling for your organization.



How do I use these reports?

Thanks to my college and Power BI expert Rush Nour for helping me with these steps.

You will need access to and a user account that already has access to CQD (

1) Download the PBIX reports pack here.


2) Go to and create a workspace

Workspace/Create Workspace



3) In the workspace welcome screen to Create New Content / Files / Get


4) Upload the first PBIX file (you have to do one at a time, it doesn’t matter which you do first)


The report might just refresh but more likely you will need to specifically enter your credentials in step 5

5) Add your account credentials to connect to CQD and load the data

On the right expand the workspace and click the three dots next to data set for the PBIX then Scheduled Refresh


Under Datasets / Data source credentials click edit credentials



choose private and sign in with your account that can access CQD



The reports should now load data correctly.

6) Add the remaining report files

From here, to add the rest of the reports to the same workspace, in the workspace choose create / data set


And again upload the file



You can load all 6 reports into a single workspace and should only need to enter your credentials once.

Can I customise these Power BI reports?

No, you can’t customise these Power BI reports. Siunie Sutjahjo, Principal Program Manager for CQD did talk about a Power BI Desktop Direct Query connector for CQD in her great ignite session Advanced Reporting and Diagnostics using Call Quality Dashboard (CQD). This would potentially allow you to create your own Power BI direct query reports from the CQD data.

That isn’t available yet, but I’ll have a blog post out as soon as it is. stay up to date on my email list.

About the author

Tom Arbuthnot

A Microsoft MVP and Microsoft Certified Master, Tom Arbuthnot is Founder and Principal at Empowering.Cloud as well as a Solutions Director at Pure IP.

Tom stays up to date with industry developments and shares news and his opinions on his, UC Today Microsoft Teams Podcast and email list. He is a regular speaker at events around the world.


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Tom Talks Microsoft Teams and Microsoft 365 news and opinions